Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations Manual
2 authors - Paperback
Barbara Attard, a police practices consultant at Accountability Associates, has held executive positions in a variety of oversight agencies conducting quality control of police misconduct investigations. Throughout her career she has developed and conducted training on investigations, oversight, ethics, report writing, and community engagement in the United States and internationally. With a focus on accountability systems that ensure fairness and transparency, Barbara's work includes consulting on development of independent oversight programs, providing expert witness testimony, and authoring publications on oversight and mediation.
Kathryn Olson, a partner in Change Integration Consulting, LLC, has deep and broad experience in law, executive leadership, and training, which combine to create a unique skill set to assess practices that impact law enforcement professionals and the communities served. She brings an extensive background in conducting investigations of complex, sensitive complaints in unionized environments, along with personnel and operations management experience, in co-authoring the Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations Manual. Kathryn’s diverse consulting practice includes handling complaints against police commanders, evaluating investigation systems and developing improvement strategies, and serving as an expert witness on investigation best practices and procedural justice.