Theory Building for Hypothesis Specification in Organizational Studies
Badrinarayan Shankar Pawar - Hardback
Badrinarayan Shankar Pawar was Professor at the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, Kerala, India. Before this, he was Professor at the National Institute of Bank Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India. He completed his PhD from Oklahoma State University in 1996, with the highest possible cumulative grade point average of 4 out of 4 and received the membership of Phi Kappa Phi in recognition of his academic performance. He has published several research articles in leading journals and two books. Overall, for his published single-authored and co-authored research articles, the total of impact factors exceeds 27 and the number of citations received totals to over 1,600 as of September 2018. He has taught in the USA, Hong Kong, and India. His research interests include organizational citizenship behavior, transformational leadership, and workplace spirituality.