Crises in Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries
4 contributors - Paperback
Mohammad Reza Rahimpour is a professor of chemical engineering at Shiraz University (Iran). He was a research associate at the University of Newcastle, Australia (2003–04) and at the University of California, Davis (2012–17). He leads a research group in fuel processing technology focused on the catalytic conversion of fossil fuels, and renewable fuels to valuable energy sources for investigating in-depth research in the various fields of chemical engineering, including carbon capture, chemical looping, membrane separation, storage and utilization technologies, novel technologies for natural gas conversion, and utilization in industries. Moreover, he has contributed to various scientific articles and book chapters and edited different books with famous publishers. Babak Omidvar is an associateprofessor at University of Tehran. His research interests are risk and reliabilityanalysis In various fields such as urban facilities, infrastructures and lifelines, engineering apparatus, etc. His focus is on analysis and management of disasters and finding methods to prevent,control and overcome their side effects. In this regard, he has conducted many researches, and supervised many students. Nazanin Abrishami Shirazi is a research associate at University of Tehran. Her focus is on vulnerability assessment invarious fields including engineering apparatusand materials, and finding proper solutions for crisis prevention and environmental side effects management. Recently he has collaboratedin writing and editing various scientific works including book chapters with prestigiouspublishers such Elsevier and Springer. Dr. Mohammad Amin Makarem is a research associate at methanol institute, Shiraz University. His research interests are gas separation and purification, nanofluids, microfluidics, catalyst synthesis, reactor design and green energy. In gas separation, his focus is on experimental and theoretical investigation and optimization of pressure swing adsorption process, and in the gas purification field, he is working on novel technologies such as microchannels. Recently, he has investigated methods of synthesizing bio-template nanomaterials and catalysts. Besides, he has collaborated in writing and editing various books and book-chapters for famous publishers such as Elsevier, Springer and Wiley, as well as guest editing journals special issues.