Advances in Food Extrusion Technology
2 contributors - Hardback
Professor Medeni Maskan is currently a professor at the University of Gaziantep, Engineering Faculty, Food Engineering Department. He received a B.Sc. degree in Food Engineering from Middle East Technical University in 1988. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Food Engineering from Gaziantep University in 1992 and 1997, respectively. He worked on the storage stability of pistachio nuts at various atmospheric conditions problem during his Ph.D. studies. Dr. Maskan has been a faculty member since 1998, and became a full professor in 2007. He has published more than 70 articles in national and international top class journals. His research program focuses on fats and oils, dehydration of food materials, and extrusion technology. He acts as a reviewer in several journals being published in the food science and technology area. Professor Maskan lives in Gaziantep, Turkey with his wife, Aysun, and their two children, Serhat and Ozan Emre.
Dr. Aylin Altan is an assistant professor of Food Engineering at the University of Mersin, Turkey. Dr. Altan received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Food Engineering at the University of Gaziantep, Turkey, in 2000 and 2003, respectively. She received her Ph.D. degree in Food Engineering in 2008 from the University of Gaziantep in Turkey, focusing on the extrusion process under a collaborative research with the University of California, Davis. She worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Davis, from 2009 to 2010. She joined the faculty of Food Engineering at the University of Mersin in 2010. Dr. Altan is the author of 13 research papers in refereed scientific journals, 2 book chapters, and more than 20 conference presentations. She is the recipient of the third-place poster award in the Second International Congress on Food and Nutrition in 2007, best poster award in ICC International Conference in 2008, and a finalist in IFT’s Food Engineering Division Graduate Paper Competition in 2008. She is a member of IFT. Her current research interests include processing of food materials into value-added products, modeling and optimization of food processing, utilization of agricultural processing by-products, and noninvasive imaging of food microstructure.