2 contributors - Hardback
Axel Hutt is Directeur de Recherche at INRIA, France, and his work focuses on topics in mathematical and computational neuroscience. He received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from the University of Stuttgart (2000) and had received the Schloessmann Fellowship of the Max Planck Society for his Ph.D. thesis. Axel gained his habilitation (HDR) at the University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis (2012) and was awarded an ERC Starting Grant on Mathematical Modeling of Anaesthesia in the same year. His current research interest is data assimilation and control of neural systems in the clinical context.
Hermann Haken was professor for Theoretical Physics at the University of Stuttgart from 1960-1995. He is acknowledged as one of the fathers of laser theory and as the founder of the discipline Synergetics.