Awal Fuseini Author

Dr Awal Fuseini holds a BSc (Agriculture) degree from Cape Coast University in Ghana, MSc (Meat Science and Technology) from Bristol University in the UK and a PhD (Animal Welfare), also from Bristol University. Awal has extensive experience of working in the meat industry where he worked in a variety of roles, including auditing and managing certification activities for one of the largest Halal certification bodies in the UK. He also briefly worked as a consultant, during which he provided services to food businesses and certifiers on issues around Halal meat production. 
Awal has published numerous scientific papers in several high impact peer reviewed journals, including the Journals of Animals, Meat Science, Animal Welfare, Veterinary Record, Food Ethics, CAB Reviews and others. His work has been cited widely and attracted the attention of policy makers, politicians and the mainstream media.He is currently the Halal Sector Manager at the UK’s Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). His role at AHDB involves collaborating with key Halal stakeholders in the UK to create a better understanding of the Halal market with a view to adding value. As part of his role at AHDB, Awal also advises meat exporters on the requirements of different export markets and has been part of UK export missions to the Middle East and Africa. Awal contributes to a number of meat industry working groups and currently co-chairs the Food Standards Agency’s Partnership Working Group-Work Stream 2 on the direct sale of Qurbani meat to Muslim consumers.