Introduction to Industrial Engineering
2 authors - Paperback
Professor Avraham Shtub holds the Stephen and Sharon Seiden Chair in Project Management. He has a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology (1974), an MBA from Tel Aviv University (1978), and a Ph.D. in Management Science and Industrial Engineering from the University of Washington (1982). He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and a member of the Project Management Institute (PMI-USA). He is the recipient of the Institute of Industrial Engineering 1995 Book of the Year Award for his book Project Management: Engineering, Technology, and Implementation (coauthored with Jonathan Bard and Shlomo Globerson), Prentice Hall, 1994. He is the recipient of the Production Operations Management Society Wick Skinner Teaching Innovation Achievements Award for his book Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): The Dynamics of Operations Management. His books on Project Management were published in English, Hebrew, Greek, and Chinese. He is the recipient of the 2008 Project Management Institute Professional Development Product of the Year Award for the training simulator “Project Team Builder – PTB.” Professor Shtub was a Department Editor for IIE Transactions, he was on the Editorial Boards of the Project Management Journal, The International Journal of Project Management, IIE Transactions, and the International Journal of Production Research. He was a faculty member of the department of Industrial Engineering at Tel Aviv University from 1984 to 1998, where he also served as a chairman of the department (1993–1996). He joined the Technion in 1998 and was the Associate Dean and head of the MBA program. He has been a consultant to industry in the areas of project management, training by simulators, and the design of production—operation systems. He was invited to speak at special seminars on Project Management and Operations in Europe, the Far East, North America, South America, and Australia. Professor Shtub visited and taught at Vanderbilt University, The University of Pennsylvania, Korean Institute of Technology, Bilkent University in Turkey, Otego University in New Zealand, Yale University, Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, and the University of Bergamo in Italy. Dr. Moshe Rosenwein has a B.S.E. from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in Decision Sciences from the University of Pennsylvania. He has worked in the industry throughout his professional career, applying management science modeling and methodologies to business problems in supply chain optimization, network design, customer relationship management, and scheduling. He has served as an adjunct professor at Columbia University on multiple occasions over the past 20 years and developed a project management course for the School of Engineering that has been taught since 2009. He has also taught at Seton Hall University and Rutgers University. Dr. Rosenwein has published over 20 refereed papers and has delivered numerous talks at universities and conferences. In 2001, he led an industry team that was awarded a semi-finalist in the Franz Edelman competition for the practice of management science.