Assem Dandashly Editor

Tanja A. Börzel is Professor of Political Science and holds the Chair for European Integration at the Otto-Suhr-Institut of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. She is co-coordinator of the Research College 'The Transformative Power of Europe', and directs the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence 'Europe and its Citizens'. Assem Dandashly is a lecturer in European Public Policy in the Department of Political Science at Maastricht University, The Netherlands. Prior to that, he was a Research Fellow at the Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe", Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science (2012) from the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Thomas Risse is Professor of International Politics at the Otto Suhr Institut of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, where he is co-coordinator of the Research College 'The Transformative Power of Europe', and coordinator of the Collaborative Research Center 'Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood'.