Asima Pradhan Editor

Prof. Asima Pradhan completed her M.Sc at Delhi University and her Ph.D. at City College, City University, New York with Prof. R. R. Alfano. She was involved in the pioneering autofluorescence spectroscopic studies of normal and cancerous tissues for diagnosis of cancer during her Ph.D.  She joined the Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur in December 1993. She is also associated with the Center for Lasers and Photonics at IIT Kanpur and is the current Head. Prof Pradhan and her research group have extensive experience in experimental biomedical optics especially with fluorescence spectroscopy, and, of late, with the ongoing building of a frequency domain fluorescence-tomographic system for cervical cancer detection. They are also currently involved in the testing of  fluorescence probe for in-vivo detection of cervical and oral pre-cancers.

Dr. K Pradeep Kumar is currently Assistant Professor in the department of Electrical Engineering and Centre for Lasers & Photonics, IIT Kanpur since 2009. He obtained his Ph.D. from the department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Madras working in the field of quantum key distribution. His current research interests are quantum cryptography, fiber-optic communications, quantum and nonlinear optics, and optical instrumentation. He has published more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed Journals and Conferences.