Sach Ya Sajish ? / सच या साजिश ?
Ashish Kumar - Paperback
Ashish Kumar has a B.Tech from IIT Madras and is a Young India Fellow from the batch of 2012-13. He is a data science enthusiast with extensive work experience in the field. As a part of his work experience, he has worked with tools, such as Python, R, and SAS. He has also implemented predictive algorithms to glean actionable insights for clients from transport and logistics, online payment, and healthcare industries. Apart from the data sciences, he is enthused by and adept at financial modelling and operational research. He is a prolific writer and has authored several online articles and short stories apart from running his own analytics blog. He also works pro-bono for a couple of social enterprises and freelances his data science skills. He can be contacted on LinkedIn at https://goo.gl/yqrfo4, and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/asis64.