Arturo Manzo Robledo Author

Nicolas Alonso-Vante is full professor of chemistry, doing research at the IC2MP laboratory at the University of Poitiers. He holds a Docteur Troisième Cycle, in electrochemistry, and a Doctorat d'Etat in Physical Science from the University of Strasbourg, France. He is the author of over 220 publications, the editor of a two-volume e-book on electrochemistry in Spanish, and holds 6 patents.

Carlos Augusto Campos-Roldán received his Master degree in 2016 under a collaboration between ESIQIE-IPN, Mexico, and the University of Poitiers, France.

Rosa de Guadalupe González Huerta PhD is a professor at at ESIQIE-IPN, Mexico City. She has co-authored 36 publications, 3 patents and 2 registered trademarks.

Guadalupe Ramos Sánchez is a research fellow at the Chemistry Department of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa in Mexico City. He has coauthored 37 publications.

Arturo Manzo Robledo is a full professor at ESIQIE-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico. He has authored 35 articles.