Expert Approaches to Sport Psychology
2 authors - Paperback
Mark W. Aoyagi, Ph.D., is Director of the Sport and Performance Psychology program and Founder and Director of the Center for Performance Excellence at the University of Denver. He is CC-AASP, a licensed psychologist (CO), and maintains a group practice, Sport and Performance Excellence Consultants, which provides performance psychology consulting services.
Artur Poczwardowski, Ph.D., is a Professor and Director of Field Placements for the Master of Arts in Sport and Performance Psychology program at the University of Denver. He is a Certified Consultant, AASP (Association of Applied Sport Psychology) and is listed in the USOC Sport Psychology Registry.
Jamie L. Shapiro, Ph.D., is a faculty member and Assistant Director of the Master of Arts in Sport and Performance Psychology program at the University of Denver. She is a certified consultant for the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (CC-AASP) and is listed on the United States Olympic Committee’s Sport Psychology Registry.