Arthur van der Ster Author

Arthur van der Ster’s obsession with miniature wargaming began in the 1980s, when his brother bought a box of Esci Union infantry and MB’s HeroQuest. This also sparked his interest in fantasy, science fiction, and history, in particular American history. In 2011 and 2014, he went onto earn his BA and MA degrees in American studies. He is currently a teacher, teaching Dutch to adults with an immigrant background, and wishes one day to teach American history at a university. Arthur lives in Houten in the Netherlands, with his wife Joyce and daughter Virginia, his pride and joy. Mark Stacey was born in Manchester, UK, in 1964 and has been a freelance illustrator since 1987. He has a lifelong interest in all periods of history, particularly military history, and has specialized in this area throughout his career. He now lives and works in Cornwall.