The Rise of Islam
Arshad Gamiet - Paperback
Arshad Gamiet was born in South Africa in 1946. Studied Fine Art at the University of Cape Town and Islamic Studies at the University of Karachi, Pakistan, in 1968.
He produced books, films and other audio-visual material for the Muslim Assembly in Cape Town. Keen to present the history of Islam in graphic novel format. His first book, The Rise of Islam, was published in 1970.
In 1979 he joined The Islamic Foundation as co-editor of children’s books as well as illustrating some of the books.
1982-1987: He worked for the Islamic Press Agency in London. He was General Manager of Yathrib Audio Visual, a subsidiary that produced documentary films and the Eastern Tales series of children’s programmes for Yorkshire Television, part of the ITV network.
1984 to 1998 he helped his wife Mariam, a trained nurse, to set up private nursing homes for frail elderly patients in Langley, Slough and Milton Keynes. Since 1998: he has been a Contributing Editor of khutbahbank.org.uk . This website publishes Friday khutbahs in English for amateur khateebs. He occasionally leads the Friday prayers and delivers the khutbah at Royal Holloway University of London, and at the Jurgens Centre in Egham. Arshad enjoys “Demystifying” Islam and Muslims through voluntary interfaith work, hosting visits to the Jamiah mosque in Slough, as well as giving talks at schools, universities and workplaces.
Now based in Buckinghamshire, England, Arshad shares his time with his loving wife and they are blessed with four children and seven grandchildren.