Arnstein Fedøy Author

Arnstein Fedøy (M.Sc.) is CEO and Managing Director of Slokkesystemer AS (, Kristiansand, Norway, and has specialised himself in extinguishing systems. Apart from his extensive practical experience in the industry, including testing and developing of water mist, he worked on his theses on "Comparison of water mist and sprinkler" and subsequently on "Collecting, Analysing, and Presenting Reliability Data for Automatic Sprinkler Systems". He has been part and leader of committees on standards and guidelines and board member of Norway’s only branch association for all fire engineering disciplines, Association for Fire Safety Norway. Today he led the work to develop and implement a new certification scheme for all types of extinguishing systems in Norway.

Ajit Kumar Verma is a Professor (Technical Safety), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Haugesund, Norway, and has previously worked at IIT Bombay as a Professor, was an adjunct at the University of Stavanger, has been a Guest Professor at the Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. His publications include 3 edited volumes, 5 monographs and more than 250 research articles in journals and conferences. He was the EIC of OPSEARCH and is the EIC of Journal of Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering and Founder Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management and is on the editorial board of various journals. He is also the Springer series editor of three book series.