Prequels, Coquels and Sequels in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction
Armelle Parey - Paperback
Armelle Parey is assistant professor at the University of Caen-Normandie, France. She has published a number of articles on narrative endings, memory and rewritings of the past in contemporary English-speaking fiction. She has co-edited collections of essays and guest-edited special issues on the question of narrative closure in fiction and film: Re-Writing Jane Eyre (La Revue LISA 4.4, 2006); Happy Endings and Films (Houdiard, 2010); Literary Happy Endings, Closure for Sunny Imaginations (Shaker Verlag, 2012); L’Inachevé ou l’ère des possibles dans la littérature anglophone, Récits ouverts et incomplets (Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2014); Character Migration in Anglophone Literature (E-rea 13.1, 2015). She is currently co-editing a collection on screen adaptations of literary endings. She has also guest-edited with Isabelle Roblin: A.S. Byatt, Before and after Possession: Recent Critical Approaches (Book Practices and Textual Itineraries 8, Presses Universitaires de Nancy-Editions de Lorraine, 2017).