Armeen Taeb Author

Daniel Sanz-Alonso is Assistant Professor in the Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics within the Department of Statistics at the University of Chicago. His contributions to inverse problems and data assimilation have been recognized with a José Luis Rubio de Francia prize and an NSF CAREER award. Andrew Stuart is Professor in the Computing and Mathematical Sciences Department within the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Caltech. He is well known for his work in applied and computational mathematics, in the areas of dynamical systems, inverse problems, data assimilation, and machine learning. Armeen Taeb is Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Washington. His work focuses on developing efficient methods for graphical modeling and latent-variable modeling, learning causal relations from data, and model selection in contemporary data analysis settings. His PhD thesis received the W. P. Carey & Co. Prize for outstanding dissertation in applied mathematics.