Deep Knowledge of B2B Relationships Within and Across Borders
2 contributors - Hardback
Arch G. Woodside is visiting research professor, Coastal Carolina University, USA; distinguished university professor, Yonsei University, Yonsei Frontier Lab, Seoul, ROK; and honorary professor of marketing, Curtin University, Australia. He is the editor in chief of the Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science and editor of Advances in Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research. Research articles (co)authored by Dr. Woodside appear in 55 hospitality, management, marketing, psychology, and tourism journals. His book publications include Brand Choice Revealing Customers' Unconscious-Automatic and Strategic Thinking Processes (with Randolph J. Trappey III, Palgrave 2004); The Complexity Turn (ed., Springer 2017); and Incompetency and Competency Training: Improving Executive Skills in Sensemaking, Framing Issues, and Making Choices (with Rouxelle de Villiers and Roger Marshall, Springer 2016).