Apirana Ngata Editor

Sir Apirana Ngata, Ngati Porou, 1874?1950, was the leading Maori figure of his day, a land reformer, politician and scholar. He made a vital contribution to the revival of the Maori people and culture in the early years of the twentieth century and is the subject of a recent biography by Ranginui Walker. Pei Te Hurinui Jones, Ngati Maniapoto, 1898?1976, was an outstanding scholar who was completely bilingual. He published extensively in both English and Maori, translating Shakespeare?s plays and compiling the Tainui traditions published in Nga Iwi o Tainui (AUP; reprinting August 2004). Jenifer Curnow is a librarian and indexer who has worked in the Archive of Maori and Pacific Music at The University of Auckland and has been the Cataloguer of Oriental Manuscripts at the Auckland War Memorial Museum Library. She is currently a researcher in the Maori Studies Department of The University of Auckland. She edited, with Jane McRae and Ngapare Hopa, Rere Atu Taku Manu! Discovering History, Language and Politics in the Maori-Language Newspapers 1842?1933 (AUP; 2002) and has published many articles on Maori related topics, including two on Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikaheke for the Journal of the Polynesian Society. She wrote several entries on Maori notables for the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography and has published a number of bibliographies of Maori tribal material. Dr Jane McRae is a lecturer in the Maori Studies Department at The University of Auckland. She edited, with Jenifer Curnow and Ngapare Hopa, Rere Atu Taku Manu! Discovering History, Language and Politics in the Maori-Language Newspapers 1842?1933 (AUP; 2002) and has also published a number of research projects on Maori literature, language and history commissioned by the New Zealand Department of Maori Affairs and the Maori Land Court. Her main research interest is Maori oral literature and she is an expert on Maori oral narratives and contact between oral and literate cultures.