Anwarul K Chowdhury Author

Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury has been a career diplomat and his responsibilities have included Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations, UN Under-Secretary-General, President of UN Security Council, President of UNICEF Executive Board, and Senior Special Advisor to UN General Assembly President. He has received Honorary Doctorates and prestigious awards for his inspiring work on the culture of peace and women’s equality including the U Thant Peace Award, UNESCO Gandhi Gold Medal for Culture of Peace, Spirit of the UN Award, University of Massachusetts Boston Chancellor’s Medal for Global Leadership for Peace and 2018 Global Women’s Peace Award. He is the Founder of New York-based NGO coalition, Global Movement for The Culture of Peace (GMCoP). Daisaku Ikeda is President of Soka Gakkai International, a Buddhist organization with some twelve million adherents in 192 countries and regions throughout the world. A prolific author, poet, peace activist and educator, he is the author of numerous books on Buddhism, humanism and ethics, and received the United Nations Peace Award in 1983. His work to restore Chinese-Japanese relations as well as his contributions to the promotion of world peace, cultural exchange and education have been widely recognised. The world's academic community has awarded him more than 350 academic degrees.