Antony Tatlow Editor & Translator

Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) is acknowledged as one of the great dramatists whose plays, work with the Berliner Ensemble and critical writings have had a considerable influence on the theatre. His landmark plays include The Threepenny Opera, Fear and Misery of the Third Reich, The Life of Galileo, Mother Courage and Her Children and The Caucasian Chalk Circle. Antony Tatlow, Honorary Professor in the Department of Drama at Trinity College Dublin, was Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Dublin (1996-2005), Founding Head of the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Hong Kong (1987-1996), President of the International Brecht Society (1982-1990), and has been Consultant to the Central Academy of Drama, Beijing from 1986. His books include The Mask of Evil: Brecht's Response to the Poetry, Theatre and Thought of China and Japan (1977); Brecht and East Asian Theatre (ed., 1982); Brechts Ost Asien. Ein Parallog (1998), and Shakespeare, Brecht, and the Intercultural Sign (2001).