Antony Manstead Editor

Miles Hewstone is Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Oxford, and Fellow of New College. He has published widely in the field of experimental social psychology, focusing on prejudice and stereotyping, intergroup contact, the reduction of intergroup conflict, sectarianism in Northern Ireland, and segregation and integration. He has been actively involved in public policy input relating to improving intergroup relations in the United Kingdom, including The Equalities Review, Cabinet Office, the Commission on Integration and Cohesion and most recently with the Department for Communities and Local Government and the Department for Education.

Antony Manstead is Professor of Psychology at Cardiff University. He has published widely on the topics of emotion, attitudes and social identity. He is a former President of the European Association of Social Psychology, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, the Association for Psychological Science, and the British Psychological Society. He received the BPS Presidents' Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychological Knowledge in 2004 and the EASP's Henri Tajfel Lifetime Achievement Award in 2008.