Mozambique at a Fork in the Road
4 contributors - Hardback
António S. Cruz: Independent researcher in Economics collaborating with the University of Copenhagen-DERG. He was Director of Studies at the Ministry of Planning and Development and Director of Studies Centre, at Economics Department, University Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique. Ines A. Ferreira is an assistant professor in the University of Copenhagen Development Economics Research Group (UCPH-DERG). She works on different topics related to inequality and institutions, with a particular focus on Mozambique. Johnny Flentø has 38 years of experience in international development with the Danish MFA and Copenhagen University. He has several years of research in institutional and economic development with a focus on international development through bilateral and multilateral frameworks. Finn Tarp is Professor of Economics, University of Copenhagen and former Director, UNU-WIDER. He is a leading international expert on development strategy and policy and has published more than 130 articles in internationally refereed academic journals—alongside six books, 29 edited book volumes/special journal issues, and 67 book chapters.