Antonio M Jaime-Castillo Editor

Xavier Coller is Professor of Sociology at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain, and director of the research group Democracy and Autonomies: Society and Politics. He has authored over ninety works on social theories, research methods, collective identities, political elites, and complex organizations.

Antonio M. Jaime-Castillo is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Universidad de Málaga, Spain. His research interests include welfare attitudes, inequality, political sociology and quantitative methods of comparative research, and his work has been published in journals such as American Behavioral ScientistEuropean Sociological Reviewand Journal of European Social Policy.

Fabiola Mota is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. Previously she has taught and researched in several academic and scientific institutions in Spain where she has conducted studies and published on social capital, political participation and civil society, territorial politics and devolution.