Discoveries of the World
António Galvano - Paperback
Antonio Russo, MD, is a Full Professor of Medical Oncology at DICHIRONS Dept, University of Palermo (Italy). He is President of COMU (the Italian National Board of University Medical Oncologists), Italy. He is author of more than 350 publications in peer-reviewed journals. He focused his studies on liquid biopsy since 2003. Ettore Capoluongo, PhD, is a Full Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology and, Head of Clinical Pathology Dept. Cannizzaro Hospital, Catania (Italy). He has published over 270 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Antonio Galvano, MD, PhD is an Associate Professor of Medical Oncology at DICHIRONS Dept, University of Palermo (Italy). He has focused his research efforts on liquid biopsies for cancer prognosis and treatment. Antonio Giordano, MD, PhD, is the Director at the Sbarro Institute at Temple University, Philadelphia (USA) and a Full Professor at University of Siena, Italy. He is best known for his discovery of cyclins, CDK9, CDK10 and Rb2/p130. He is the president and founder of the Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO), Philadelphia (USA). He has published over 600 publications in peer-reviewed journals.