District Heating and Cooling Networks
3 contributors - Hardback
Elisabet Palomo (Ph.D.) is an industrial engineer Industrial engineering, senior Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention and designer in Low temperature solar energy installations. Currently is Green Office manager in City Council of Madrid. Previously, since 2008, project manager in REHAU company with over 15 years of experience in the Industry: Teaching of different geothermal seminars in Official Industrial Engineering schools and in Official Architecture schools. Also in public entities such as IDAE (institute for the diversification and saving of energy), CONAMA (national congress of environment) among others. Teaching Seminars on Sustainability and recyclability of polymeric materials. Application of the circular economy, Knowledge of ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, ISO50001, SO/TS 16949.Knowledge of LEED, BREEAM ,WELL. Presentation of energy-efficient and renewable energy systems in leading international engineering and architectural firms. Presented to leader installers/distributors in the HVAC sector and related areas. Before 2008, held various positions in different companies: Senior consultant in Alfa consulting, Manager for the electrical, energy and environmental department in SOCOTEC, sales engineer in GENERAL ELECTRIC Consumer& Industrial
Dr. Antonio Colmenar-Santos (Ph.D.) is an Industrial Engineering. Nowadays, a senior lecturer in the field of electrical engineering at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at UNED; from June 2014, he obtained a favourable resolution from the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA by its acronym in Spanish) to be habilitated as a full professor. He has worked for AECI-ICI as a high qualified consultant at the INTECNA project (Nicaragua). He has been part of the Spanish section of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), working in the different projects related to renewable energies and multimedia systems applied to teaching. Stanford's "World's Top 2% Scientists", according to the ranking of Stanford University, would be among the two percent of the most cited scientists for the year 2019 among the more than 8 million active researchers worldwide (latest published data). And together with only six other UNED professors, he would occupy the central position among them.
Dr. Rosales-Asensio (Ph.D.) is an industrial engineer with postgraduate degrees in electrical engineering, business administration, and quality, health, safety and environment management systems. Currently, he is an associate professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He has also worked as a plant engineer for a company that focuses on the design, development and manufacture of waste-heat-recovery technology for large reciprocating engines; and as a project manager in a world-leading research centre.