Antoine Harfouche Editor

Francesca Ricciardi, PhD, is a Research Fellow in Management at the University of Verona, Italy. She is also a lecturer of “Business Culture” at the University of Genova, Italy, and a Visiting Lecturer in “Research Methods” for winter semester 2014-2015 at the Université Nanterre la Défence, Paris, France. She regularly teaches at several postgraduate and master programmes. Her research interests span themes such as inter- and intra-organizational relationships, knowledge networks, smart cities, and the innovative management of the commons. She has published more than 40 studies on these subjects, including international journal articles, monographs, book chapters, and conference papers. Before completely dedicating herself to research and teaching, she worked as a consultant, gaining experience in the fields of facility management, project management, organizational innovation and human resources.
Antoine Harfouche is an Associate Professor at Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University. He is also member of the CEROS research center. Previously he was an assistant professor, member of the VALLOREM at the Francois-Rabelais University of Tours. The author of almost a dozen of articles, he works on Information and Communication Technologies for Development, such as e-Government, e-Business and e-Services in developing countries. His research is mainly quantitative based on Structural Equation Modelling.