Cambridge Academic English B1+ Intermediate Teacher's Book
3 authors - Paperback
Dr Anthony Manning is Dean for Internationalisation at the University of Kent and was formerly Director of the Centre for English and World Languages. Anthony is one of the original creators of the TASK (Transferable Academic Skills Kit) series and he remains one of the main authors of the second edition of this range of books. Also for Garnet, Anthony has written Assessing EAP and English for Language and Linguistics as part of the ESAP series. Anthony has written a number of other books and journal contributions for other publishers. Before joining the University of Kent, Anthony was Assistant Director to what is now the International Study and Language Institute at the University of Reading. Anthony also taught in France, Germany, China and Japan. He has also been a lecturer at a Japanese College situated within the University of Durham, and at an International College in Reading. Anthony has a Doctorate in Education and Applied Linguistics with a focus on language testing. He has delivered seminar papers at ALTE, IATEFL, InForm and BALEAP conferences on the subject of English for academic purposes, language assessment and academic skills development.