Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Sea Otters and Polar Bears
2 contributors - Hardback
Dr. Randall W. Davis is Regents Professor in the Department of Marine Biology at Texas A&M University. He is an educator and researcher who studies the physiology and behavioral ecology of marine mammals and other aquatic vertebrates. Dr. Davis has studied the behavioral ecology of sea otters in Alaska since 2001, and some of the results are presented in this book. He has continually emphasized the importance of studying animals in their natural environment and has spent many years developing animal-borne instruments to better understand their behavior and ecology at sea. His academic endeavors and 100 research expeditions have taken him to 65 countries and territories on seven continents and all of the world's oceans.
Dr. Anthony M. Pagano is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the San Diego Zoo Global Institute for Conservation Research. He has degrees in Biology and History from Northeastern University (B.A.), Wildlife Conservation from the University of Minnesota (M.S.), and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz (Ph.D.). He has studied polar bears for more than 12 years and spent 10 years working for the Polar Bear Research Program with the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska. His research on polar bears has included the use of camera collars and other animal-borne instruments on wild polar bears to understand their behavior and feeding rates. He combined these data with laboratory measurements of metabolic rates of walking on a treadmill and swimming in a water flume to estimate the field energetics of polar bears on the sea ice.