Sport and the Media
3 authors - Paperback
Merryn Sherwood is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics, Media and Philosophy and Coordinator of the Sport Media major in the Bachelor of Media and Communication at La Trobe University, Australia. She is a former award-winning journalist and international sport media manager, working at events such as the Rugby World Cup, Australian Open and London 2012 Olympic Games. Her research focuses broadly on disruption and change in media, with a particular focus on the way digital media is transforming the sport media nexus.
Anthony Kerr is Senior Lecturer in Sport Business and Marketing at Edith Cowan University, Australia and Course Coordinator of its sport business and event management program. Anthony is an award-winning educator who has worked for several sporting organisations worldwide. His research interests are fuelled by a fascination with the psychology of football fandom, its evolution alongside new digital and virtual realities and how this engagement can create communities and strengthen global brands.
Ashleigh-Jane Thompson is Senior Lecturer in Sport Management, and Learning and Teaching Coordinator within the Department of Management and Marketing at the La Trobe Business School, Australia. She is an award-winning researcher whose primary research activities are in the fields of sport communication, sport marketing, fan engagement and sport innovation. Ashleigh is an active researcher within La Trobe’s Centre for Sport and Social Impact (CSSI) and is president of the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ).
Matthew Nicholson is Pro Vice-Chancellor and President (Indonesia) at Monash University, Australia. He has an international reputation for his research and expertise in the sport-public health nexus, physical activity, policy, social capital, the social impact of sport, recreation and leisure, and the media representation of sport.