Classic Writings in Anarchist Criminology
3 contributors - Paperback
Jason Del Gandio is an Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Public Advocacy at Temple University. He has participated in the Global Justice Movement, the anti-war movement during the Bush Administration, the anti-RNC demonstrations of 2004, fair-trade campaigns, Latin American solidarity work and the Occupy Movement. Jason has appeared on television and radio, and regularly speaks on college campuses and at public venues. He is the author of Rhetoric for Radicals: A Handbook for 21st Century Activists. Anthony J. Nocella is a scholar-activist, a Visiting Professor in the School of Education at Hamline University, and a Senior Fellow of the Dispute Resolution Institute at the Hamline Law School. From blockading highways against the war in Iraq to lobbying for national forest protection, Anthony has been involved with numerous movements and struggles, including dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline, anarchism, Earth liberation, animal liberation, disability liberation and Hip Hop youth activism. He has co-founded several active political organizations and published more than 50 scholarly articles and 15 books.