The Schizophrenia Spectrum
3 authors - Paperback
Will Spaulding, PhD, is a professor of psychology inthe doctoral clinical psychology program of the Universityof Nebraska-Lincoln. His entire career hasbeen devoted understanding and treating seriousmental illness, from psychopathology to treatmentoutcome to mental health services policy and administration.For over 20 years he was the senior psychologistin a state hospital-based psychiatric rehabilitationprogram in Nebraska, and has consulted nationallyand internationally on development of servicesfor people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders.Steven Silverste, PhD, is Director of Research, andDirector of the Division of Schizophrenia Researchat Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care(UBHC), and Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers -Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He is theformer Chair of the APA's Task Force on SeriousMental Illness, and the 2017 President of the Societyfor Research in Psychopathology. He has over25 years of experience in treating people with seriousmental illness, and has directed inpatient unitsand outpatient programs for this population.Anthony A. Menditto, PhD, is the Director of TreatmentServices at Fulton State Hospital in Missouri.He has spent the past 30 years as a clinician, administrator,researcher, and consultant dedicated toimproving our understanding of serious mental disorders.His work has focused on the implementationand evaluation of evidence-based approaches toassessment and treatment for individuals with seriousmental disorders.