The Digital Marketing Planner
Annmarie Hanlon - Paperback
Annmarie Hanlon teaches Digital and Social Media Marketing at the Cranfield School of Management and is a practitioner working on digital marketing strategy and social media projects with regional, national and international organisations. Originally a graduate in French and Linguistics, she subsequently gained a Masters in Business Administration, focusing on marketing planning. She studied for the Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma for which she won the Worshipful Company of Marketors’ award for the best worldwide results. As an early adopter, working in ‘online marketing’ since 1990, Dr Hanlon is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Member of the Marketing Institute Ireland and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Marketors. A past winner of the Mais Scholarship, her research interests include the strategic use of digital marketing and social media in organisations, differences in practice between generations and ethical issues in practice. Annmarie’s SAGE textbooks include Digital Marketing, Strategic Planning and Integration and The Digital Marketing Planner. Follow her updates on Twitter @AnnmarieHanlon Tracy L. Tuten is a professor of marketing at Sofia University, USA and author of several books including co-author of the award-winning textbook, Social Media Marketing. Her first book, Advertising 2.0: Social Media Marketing in a Web 2.0 World, was followed by others on using social media and digital marketing for the enterprise, and the book, Advertisers at Work, which features interviews with luminaries in the field. Dr. Tuten’s publications have appeared in such journals as Journal of Marketing Communications, Psychology & Marketing, and Journal of Business Research. A two-time Fulbright Scholar, she frequently speaks around the world on marketing topics. She’s been recognized with teaching awards at her respective institutions and with national awards, such as the O’Hara Leadership Award in Direct & Interactive Marketing Education. In 2013, she was inducted into the Incredible Women of ECU series, which highlights female graduates of East Carolina University who have reached exceptional levels of achievement in their respective careers. Follow her updates on Twitter @brandacity