Chaos and Coarse Graining in Statistical Mechanics
4 authors - Hardback
CV of D. Stauffer
1980/81 Guest Professor in Marseille, France
1985 Humboldt Prize for French-German Scientific Cooperation
1987 James Chair Professor; Canada
1988-90 first manager of many-body research group at German Supercomputer Center
HLRZ Julich
1993/94 first Canada-Germany Research Awardee; spends one year in Antigonish
1994 and 1996 Guest professor at UFF, Niteroi, Brazil; 2000/2001 and 2005, sabbatical there
1999 French-German Kastler-Genter physics prize
1999 Foreign member of Brazilian Academy of Sciences
1999 Prize of Polish Education Minister
2004/6 Honorary doctorate, Université de Liege, Belgium
1990-2002 Member of Senate teaching committee, Cologne University; coordinated
13 curricula in the sciences in 1994/96.
1990-96 Member of Computational Physics Board, European Physical Society
Edited Annual Reviews of Computational Physics, World Scientific, Singapore
Past or present member of editorial board for : J.Aerosol Sci., J.Stat.Phys., J.Phys.A., J.Physique, Physica A, Physics World, Computers in Physics, Annual Reviews Comput. Phys., Int. J. Mod.Phys. C (managing editor), Theory in Biosciences, European Physical Journal B, Quantitative Finance, Computing in Science and Engineering, Blickpunkt: Der Mann, Complex Systems and Inter-disciplinary science, Communications in Computational Physics (China),
Three books in 1980's (all translated into at least one other language, all in at least second edition), fourth book 1999, fifth book 2000, sixth 2006. 600 papers. Included in ISI list of 1000 most-cited physicists 1981-1997 (15000 citations, July 2006).
About 20000 citations (ISI, cited reference index).
Retirement Feb. 29, 2008 Stauffer
CV Prof. Annick LESNE
Annick Lesne (54 years) is a senior researcher at CNRS (French national center of scientific research), working in the Theoretical Physics of Condensed Matter laboratory (LPTMC), at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, and in the Institute of Molecular Genetics in Montpellier.In the past years, she has been assistant professor at this university (from 1990 to 2006) co-director of the Paris Institute of Complex Systems (ISC-PIF, from 2003 to 2008), and visitor at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, from 2005 to 2012).Among her present responsibilities, she is a member of the editorial board of 'EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics' (Springer) and the director of the series "Echelles" (Belin, 35 volumes). She has published 75 peer-reviewed articles, and beyond the present book 'From Newton to Mandelbrot', she has authored three monographs and coordinated four collective books, all published both in French and English.