Storming Caesars Palace
Annelise Orleck - Hardback
Kent B. Germany, a native of Louisiana and former resident of New Orleans, is Assistant Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of South Carolina. Previously he was Deputy Director of the Presidential Recordings Program and director of the LBJ Project at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs. He is co-host of For The Record, a PBS program on politics and history, and is coeditor of two books about Lyndon Johnson and the 1960s: The Kennedy Assassination and the Transfer of Power and Toward the Great Society.
Robert Bauman is an associate professor of history at Washington State University and author of Race and the War on Poverty: From Watts to East L.A. (University of Oklahoma Press, 2008).
Susan Youngblood Ashmore is an associate professor of history at Oxford College of Emory University.
Wesley G. Phelps is an assistant professor of history at Sam Houston State University.
Annelise Orleck is a professor of history at Dartmouth College. She is the author or editor of four previous books including Storming Caesars Palace: How Black Mothers Fought Their Own War on Poverty.
Lisa Gayle Hazirjian is an activist and independent scholar.