The Naughtiest Girl: Well Done, The Naughtiest Girl
Anne Digby - Paperback
Anne Digby is Research Professor in History at Oxford Brookes University. Amongst the more recent of her numerous publications on the history of medicine are Diversity and Division in Medicine: Health Care in South Africa from the 1800s (2006), and a co-authored volume At the Heart of Healing:Groote Schuur Hospital, 1938-2008 (2008).Waltraud Ernst is Professor in the History of Medicine, 1700-2000, at Oxford Brookes University in the UK. She has written widely on the history of psychiatry in South Asia. Her publications include Mad Tales from the Raj (1991/2010) and “Beyond East and West. From the History of Colonial Medicine to a Social History of Medicine(s) in South Asia”, Social History of Medicine 20 (2007): 505-24. Projit Bihari Mukharji is an Assistant Professor in Modern South Asian History at McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. He is the author of Nationalizing the Body: The Medical Market, Print and Daktari Medicine (Anthem: 2009) and A History of Healing Practises in South Asia: De-centring Indigenous Medicine (Routledge: Forthcoming).