Annamaria Di Fabio Editor

Annamaria Di Fabio is Full Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at the Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures and Psychology (Psychology Section) of the University of Florence, Italy. She is also director of both the following international research and intervention laboratories: Cross-Cultural Positive Psychology, Prevention, and Sustainability (CCrossPoPP&S); Work and Organizational Psychology for Vocational Guidance, Career Counseling, Talents and Healthy Organizations (WOProCCareerT&HO). She is Editor of the Australian Journal of Career Development (AJCD) from July 2021; one of the editors of Sustainability Science (Springer) since 2016; Editor-in-Chief of the Psychology of Sustainability and Sustainable Development Section of Sustainability (MDPI)  since 2019; Associate editor of Personality and Individual Differences (PAID) (Elsevier) since 2017 to 2020;  Associate editor of Frontiers in Psychology/Organizational Psychology (Frontiers) since 2015; Co-editor of Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle (CNAM-INETOP) since 2009; and Editor-in-chief of Counseling: Italian Journal of Research and Intervention (Erickson) since 2008. She is in the editorial board, also serving as reviewer, of many other international scientific journals. She was General Editor of the Newsletter of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) since 2012 to 2018. She has been elected to the Board of Directors (BoD) of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) since July 2018 and is responsible for its international project “Promoting Decent work for All”. She is the author of more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and many books and book chapters. She has been invited to international scientific conferences around the world both as keynote speaker and as chair and discussant.