Sufi Hermeneutics
Annabel Keeler - Paperback
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Annabel Keeler is an Affiliated Researcher at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and a Research Associate of Wolfson College, both at the University of Cambridge. Her research interests include Sufi exegesis, early to 'classical' Islamic mysticism, Persian literature and prophetology. As well as being the author of Sufi Hermeneutics: The Qur'an Commentary of Rashīd al-Dīn Maybudī (Oxford, 2006), she is co-translator of the commentary of Sahl al-Tustarī, under the title Tafsīr al-Tustarī (Kentucky, 2011) and co-editor of The Spirit and the Letter: Approaches to the Esoteric Interpretation of the Qur'an (Oxford, 2016).