Anna Rebmann Author

Adnan Efendic is an associate professor of economics at the University of Sarajevo, School of Economics and Business; he is an affiliate fellow at CERGE-EI, Prague and CISAR, Sarajevo. He is an applied economist and his research has been based on different methodologies, including, in particular, metaregression analysis, dynamic panel analysis and structural equation modelling.

Bojana Babic currently works as an independent researcher while proceeding with her PhD studies. She holds two MA degrees in international businesses and migration studies from universities in Italy, Germany and Norway. Her research has been developed around different issues in migration field. Some of her papers have already been published in leading journals. 

Anna Rebmann is lecturer in economics and international business at the Economics and Strategy Group, Aston Business School, Aston University. Her research focuses on institutions, social capital and entrepreneurship.