Anna Katsman Author & Editor

Markus Gabriel is one of the two Academic Directors at THE NEW INSTITUTE and from 2021 to 2023 Chair of the program 'The Foundations of Value and Values'. He holds the chair for epistemology, modern and contemporary philosophy at the University of Bonn. Christoph Horn is a professor at the University of Bonn, where he holds the chair for practical philosophy and philosophy of antiquity. He was a Fellow at THE NEW INSTITUTE in 2021/22. Anna Katsman ist eine der beiden Academic Directors am THE NEW INSTITUTE und war dort im Jahrgang 2021/22 Fellow. Sie promovierte an der New School for Social Research in New York im Fachbereich Philosophie. Wilhelm Krull is the founding director of THE NEW INSTITUTE and was Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation from 1996 to 2019. He holds numerous positions in national and international supervisory and advisory bodies. Anna Luisa Lippold war 2021/22 Programm-Managerin von »The Foundations of Value and Values« am THE NEW INSTITUTE. Sie hat an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum im Bereich der Angewandten Ethik promoviert. Corine Pelluchon is Professor of Philosophy at Université Gustave Eiffel in Paris, member of the Hannah Arendt Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Political Studies and Fellow at THE NEW INSTITUTE in 2021/22 and 2022/23. Ingo Venzke is Professor of International Law and Social Justice at the University of Amsterdam and Director of the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL). He is a Fellow at THE NEW INSTITUTE in 2021/22 and 2022/23.