Anna Filipi Editor

Anna Filipi is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia, where she teaches in the TESOL program. Her research is in conversation analysis in first language and social development, second language learning and teaching, language testing and assessment, and international student education (in schools and in transition to university). She has published widely on these topics. Her current work involves exploring children’s storytelling competencies, investigating multilingual practices in the classroom, and practical applications of findings in classroom interaction for teacher education. 
Binh Thanh Ta is a lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Science, Monash University, Australia, where she teaches academic writing and communication skills. She has expertise in conversation analysis, video-ethnography and video-stimulated interviews. She is interested in interaction and communication in higher education and health care settings. Her publications have focused on interaction between students and educators in the contexts of teacher education, doctoral supervision, and clinical placement. Her current research project involves investigating general practitioners’ practice of giving advice on Smoking, Nutrition, Alcohol, and Physical Activity.
Maryanne Theobald is an associate professor in the Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. Maryanne is an interaction analyst whose research explores the hidden worlds of children’s lives in our increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse homes, schools and playgrounds. Her expertise in video-ethnography and video-stimulated accounts involves children and educators as analysers of their own experiences, creating professional learning resources for educators. Maryanne has published widely on storytelling, and has editorial experience with edited volumes, and as editor of journals.