Transmedia Creatures
2 contributors - Paperback
Francesca Saggini is Professor of English Literature at the Università della Tuscia (Viterbo). Among her books: Backstage in the Novel: Frances Burney and the Theater Arts (University of Virginia Press, 2012); Gothic Frontiers (co-ed. Glennis Byron, 2012); The House of Fiction as the House of Life: Representations of the House in Literature and Culture (co-ed. Anna Enrichetta Soccio, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2012), The Gothic Novel and the Stage: Romantic Appropriations (Pickering & Chatto, 2015).
Anna Enrichetta Soccio is Professor of English Literature at the Università G. d’Annunzio (Chieti). Among her books: Philip Larkin. Immaginazione poetica e percorsi del quotidiano (Carocci, 2008), The House of Fiction as the House of Life: Representations of the House in Literature and Culture (co-ed. Francesca Saggini, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2012), Come leggere “Hard Times” (Solfanelli, 2014), Elizabeth Gaskell, Racconti (ed. with an Introduction and Notes, Edizioni Croce, 2017).