Anna Carreri Editor

Michela Cozza is an Associate Professor at the Department of Organization and Management at Mälardalen University, Sweden. Her research interests focus on the relationships between social and material aspects of organizational practices. She takes a practice-based approach and leverages a science and technology studies perspective to understand issues related to technology's role in embodied practices of care and technological interventions. She is a member of several research networks scientific associations, and editorial boards.

Anna Carreri is an Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Sociology of Work and Organization at the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Verona, Italy. She is scientific coordinator and co-founder of the Research Centre RE-WOrk: REsearching for REmaking Work and Organizing at the same university. She is affiliated with the School of Social Sciences, Hasselt University, Belgium. Her research is mainly conducted through qualitative methods, from an intersectional and critical perspective. Her current research is focused on gender inequalities in academic careers and the quality of working life in relation to ‘new’ forms of work and organizing enabled by technology.

Barbara Poggio is Vice-Rector for Equality and Diversity at the University of Trento, Italy. She is a full professor of Sociology of Work and Organization at the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the same university. She carried out several international studies and research in the field of gender studies (gender cultures and practices in organizations, gender and entrepreneurship, gender and science), workforce diversity, work precariousness and work-life balance. She is a member of several national and international editorial boards.