Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing
5 contributors - Paperback
Dr. Peter Boot is a senior researcher at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands. He studied mathematics and Dutch literature and wrote a thesis about electronic annotation in digital editions. He works as a consultant on digital scholarly edition projects. His research focusses on online repertoire formation. His publications include Mesotext. Digitised Emblems, Modelled Annotations and Humanities Scholarship (2009), as well as articles about emblem books, emblem digitisation, digital editing, online book discussion and online writing communities. Dr. Anna Cappellotto is a post-doctoral research fellow in Medieval Studies at the University of Verona. At the same institution she has been recently awarded a PhD in Medieval Philology and her thesis deals with the edition of a Middle High German translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. During her PhD she has been a DAAD research fellow at the University of Cologne (Cologne Center for eHumanities), where she has received a research grant (with Dr. Tiziana Mancinelli) for the project “A Digital Scholarly Edition of Renaissance Women Writers in Italy and Germany”. She is in the editorial board of the journal Medioevi. Rivista di letterature e culture medievali. Her publications include articles on Durs Grünbein, Peter Weiss, Mario Wirz, Robert Hamerling, and Albrecht von Halberstadt. Dr. Wout Dillen is a postdoctoral researcher working at the University of Antwerp as the coordinator of the Antwerp division of the DARIAH-VL consortium of DARIAH-BE. In 2015 he defended a Ph.D. thesis on ‘Digital Scholarly Editing for the Genetic Orientation.’ For this project he also developed the online Lexicon of Scholarly Editing (http://uahost.uantwerpen.be/lse/), initiated by Dirk van Hulle. In 2016-2017, he worked as an experienced researcher as part of the DiXiT Marie Curie Initial Training Network on a project titled ‘Digital Scholarly Editing and Memory Institutions,’ hosted by the University of Borås. His most recent publications dealt with genetic criticism, text encoding, scholarly digital editing, and copyright restrictions. In 2017, he became the secretary of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS). Dr. Franz Fischer is coordinator and researcher at the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH), University of Cologne. He studied History, Latin and Italian in Cologne and Rome and has been awarded a doctoral degree in Medieval Latin for his digital edition of William of Auxerre’s treatise on liturgy. As a post-doctoral researcher he created a digital edition of Saint Patrick’s Confessio at the Royal Irish Academy (RIA), Dublin. He is serving on the Executive Board of Digital Medievalist and is editor-in-chief of the association’s open access journal. A founding member of the Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE) he is editor of SIDE, a series on digital editions, palaeography & codicology, and RIDE, a review journal on digital editions and resources. Aodhán Kelly is a PhD student at the Centre for Manuscript Genetics at the University of Antwerp and one of the Early Stage Researchers within the DiXiT Network. His doctoral research is on the dissemination of digital scholarly editions to broader audiences. Aodhán holds a BA in History and Economics as well as an MLitt in History from Maynooth University in Ireland and worked for several years in digital publishing in the UK.