The Fall of a Sparrow
Ann Pasternak Slater - Hardback
Vivien Haigh-Wood Eliot (1888-1947) was the wife of T. S. Eliot from 1915 until their effective separation in 1933. She contributed fictional sketches to the Criterion in 1924-25. Her marriage brought friendship with Bertrand Russell, Dorothy and Ezra Pound, Virginia and Leonard Woolf, Ottoline Morrell and others in the Bloomsbury group. Ann Pasternak Slater is Senior Research Fellow of St Anne's College, Oxford. She is the author of Shakespeare the Director and Evelyn Waugh (a study of the novels). She has translated Alexander Pasternak's memoir, A Vanished Present, and Tolstoy's 'The Death of Ivan Ilyich' and 'Master and Man'. She has edited the complete poems of George Herbert, and Waugh's Complete Short Stories.