Ann Lendrum Editor

Neil Humphrey is a Professor of Psychology of Education, and Head of the Institute of Education, at the University of Manchester, UK. His research interests include social and emotional learning, mental health, and special educational needs. He is the author of Social and Emotional Learning: a critical appraisal (2013).

Ann Lendrum is a Senior Lecturer on the Psychology of Education Master’s programme at the Institute of Education, University of Manchester, UK. Her research focuses on the implementation of school-based interventions, particularly mental health prevention and promotion programmes. Her recent work includes the evaluation of the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies programme in English primary schools, and a feasibility study of the Second Step programme in England.

Michael Wigelsworth is a Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Education, University of Manchester, UK. He completed his PhD in 2010, examining the impact of the Secondary SEAL programme. His research focuses on the conceptualisation, measurement and assessment of children’s psycho-social outcomes, with a focus on mental health and wellbeing. This includes the use of outcome measures in the evaluation of school-based interventions.

Mark T. Greenberg holds The Bennett Endowed Chair in Prevention Research in the College of Health and Human Development at Pennsylvania State University, USA. His current research is focused on how best to help nurture awareness and compassion in our society. He is the Founding Director of The Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development.