2 authors - Paperback
Charles Perrings is a Professor of Environmental Economics at Arizona State University. Previous appointments include professorships at the University of York and the University of California, Riverside. He was for several years vice-chair of the international biodiversity science research program, DIVERSITAS, and represented the International Council of Science in negotiations with national governments to establish the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). He was also a member of the US President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) working group on biodiversity and ecosystem services. He was the founding editor of the journal, Environment and Development Economics, and is a Past President of the International Society for Ecological Economics. Ann Kinzig is a Professor of Biology and Society at Arizona State University, where she has held an appointment for 22 years. Before coming to ASU, she was named the first American Association for the Advancement of Science Roger Revelle Fellow in Global Stewardship, and worked on issues of conservation and climate change in the Environment Division of the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Clinton White House. She is an elected Fellow of the AAAS and has served on the Ecological Society of America Governing Board.