The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Anthropology
3 contributors - Paperback
Simon Coleman is Chancellor Jackman Professor at the Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto. He has previously been editor of the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, and is currently co-editor of the journal Religion and Society: Advances in Research. He works on Pentecostalism, pilgrimage, hospital chaplaincies, and cathedrals, and has carried out fieldwork in Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Nigeria. Previous general works on anthropology have included Locating the Field: Space, Place and Context in Anthropology (2006, ed. with Peter Collins) and Multi-sited Ethnography: Problems and Possibilities in the Translocation of Research Methods (2011, ed. with Pauline von Hellerman). Susan B. Hyatt is Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and Chair of the Anthropology Department. She is also founder of the department’s MA program in Applied Anthropology. She received her PhD from the University of Massachusetts in 1996. With Boone Shear and Susan Wright, she co-edited a recent volume entitled, Learning Under Neoliberalism: Ethnographies of Governance in Higher Education (2015). She is committed to involving her students in collaborative fieldwork with neighbourhoods in Indianapolis, and in 2010, the Indiana Campus Compact awarded her with the Brian Hiltunen Award for the Outstanding Scholarship of Civic Engagement, and in 2012 she received the IUPUI Chancellor’s Faculty Award for Excellence in Civic Engagement. Ann Kingsolver is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Kentucky. Her work as a cultural anthropologist, in ethnographic fieldwork in the United States, Mexico, and Sri Lanka, has been focused on variously situated interpretations of, and responses to, all that gets glossed as capitalist globalization. Her books include NAFTA Stories: Fears and Hopes in Mexico and the United States (2001) and Tobacco Town Futures: Global Encounters in Rural Kentucky (2011), and edited collections More than Class: Studying Power in U.S. Workplaces (1998) and, with Nandini Gunewardena, The Gender of Globalization: Women Navigating Cultural and Economic Marginalities (2007).