Ann Frost Author

Ann Frost works in Early Years and Education for ISL, supporting looked after and adopted children by raising awareness of their additional needs in schools and early years settings.

Jane Fain is an early years practitioner for ISL, supporting the transition of children from early years settings into school.

Sian Templeton is an educational psychologist. Previously, she taught in primary education.

Eleanor Durrant is currently completing a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, with a special interest in attachment.

Kim S. Golding, CBE,BSc, MSc, D. Clin. Psy. AFBPsS is a clinical psychologist who works in Worcestershire, England where she was influential in the founding of the Integrated Service for Looked After Children - a multi-agency, holistic service providing support for foster, adoptive and residential parents, schools and the range of professionals supporting children growing up in care or in adoptive families. Kim was trained and mentored by Dan Hughes in the use of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP). She is on the board of the Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Institute supporting the use of DDP in Europe, USA and Canada. She accredits and trains professionals in the approach in the UK and has been invited to speak about this work internationally.