Inclusive Education
3 authors - Paperback
Ann Cheryl Armstrong PhD is Director of the Division of Professional Learning in the Faculty of Education and Social Work, at the University of Sydney. A former primary school teacher, Ann Cheryl has worked in education and professional development for 23 years and has extensive experience as a teacher, teacher educator, research manager, project manager and programme leader. She has worked in countries throughout the Caribbean as well as in the UK and Australia. Before emigrating to Sydney in February 2005, she was employed with the University of Sheffield, UK in the School of Education as Director of the Caribbean Distance Education Programme. In this role, she played a major part in establishing a programme of advanced teacher education by distance learning with pathways from post-graduate Certificate and Diploma, through to Masters and Doctoral levels. Derrick is co-director of a £1.5m research network funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council investigating young people: ′Pathways Into and Out of Crime: Risk, Resilience and Diversity′. The network centres on a collaboration between five universities in the UK and partners in Australia and the US. The research is exploring the experiences and perspectives of children and young people in relation to antisocial and criminal behaviour. Early in his career, Derrick jointly directed the national evaluation of the "On Track" crime-reduction program in the UK which was concerned with the role of multiple interventions in crime reduction for 6-12 year olds. Other recent research has included work on the history of special educational policy since 1944, a project titled ′Self-advocacy, Civil Rights and theSocial Model of Disability′, and a longstanding interest in special-educational assessment and the perspectives of children and parents. A further strand of research since 1998, in collaboration with Dr Ann Cheryl Armstrong, has focused on educational development in the Caribbean, where he has worked with teachers, non-government organisations and education ministries, and where he has undertaken research funded by the UK′s Department for International Development. Derrick has writen and edited, and co-authored and co-edited more than 60 articles, book chapters and international conference papers, as well as six books. Ilektra worked as a special teacher and completed her PhD at the University of Sheffield, UK in the area of inclusive education. She worked as a researcher at the University of Sheffield, UK, and as a lecturer at the University of Athens and the University of Thessaly, Greece before moving to the University of Sydney. Her research interests include disability, classroom diversity, and curriculum differentiation. Ilektra has been involved in teacher education and teacher training in special and inclusive education both in Greece and Australia. She has experience working with general and special education teachers in the area of philosophy and theories of inclusive education, policy and legislation issues, and curricula adjustments for students with a disability and special education needs. She has also experience in preparing materials, including audio-visual resources for teacher training. She had taught at special education master programs (University of Athens, Greece), special education undergraduate programs (University of Thessaly, Greece) and teacher specialisation programs in blindness/vision impairment. Ilektra currently teaches in the pre-service special education mandatory units of study and the Master of Education (Special Education) in the area of special and inclusive education. She is involved in higher degree supervision and other research projects. Her publications included the book ‘Inclusive Education: International Policy & Practice’ (co-authored with A.C. Armstrong and D. Armstrong) and published by Sage).